In just the last month, eight heinous crimes occurred that shouldn’t have happened — because they were committed by lawbreakers who wouldn’t even be in the country, if the Biden administration was doing its job of protecting the border. 

Arrests of illegal immigrants in crimes ranging from sexual assaults to fatal car crashes have made news in their local communities but have gone COMPLETELY unreported by the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks.

1. Woman Saved From Sexual Assault By Illegal Immigrant Who Drove “Rape Dungeon on Wheels”

2. Illegal Immigrant Charged with Kidnapping, Sexual Assault Was Previously Let Loose By Federal Agents

3. Illegal Immigrant Mother Allegedly Hired Hitman to Kill Witnesses to Son’s Crime 

4. Illegal Immigrant in Fatal Crash Had Alcohol Level Nearly Four Times the Legal Limit

5. Illegal Immigrant Killed Maine Woman in Fatal Car Crash 

6. Illegal Immigrant Who Was Supposed to Be Deported 7 Years Ago, Allegedly Attacked Pregnant Teen

7. Illegal Immigrant Apprehended in Massachusetts, Wanted for “Serious Crimes” Committed in Colombia 

8. Illegal Immigrant Accused of Sexual Assaulting Two Girls Had a Visa That Expired in 2021