Some of President Joe Biden’s 2020 voters named inflation, foreign policy and illegal immigration as their main reasons for considering backing former President Donald Trump, instead, in November, The New York Times reported on Friday.

The NYT/Siena College survey released on Monday across Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania found that 14% of those who said they backed Biden in 2020 won’t do so this cycle.

The outlet spoke with some of the Biden defectors included in the poll, with some planning to vote for Trump despite qualms with his personality.

Frederick Westbrook, a retired hotel worker in Las Vegas, told the Times that voting for Biden last cycle was “the biggest mistake of my life.”

The retiree added that while he still believes Trump has “a big mouth” and is “not a nice person,” his financial situation has made him consider backing the former president.

“Everything is just about the economy,” Westbrook said. “I don’t really trust Donald Trump at all. I just think housing, food, my car, my insurance, every single piece of living has gone up.”

A 25-year-old marketing professional in Atlanta, Jaredd Johnson, also has reservations about Trump, but told the outlet he’ll support him in November.

“Our conversations are suddenly less about what’s happening overseas and more about how we are struggling here, too,” Johnson said.

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