Christian nurse in Britain denied psychotherapy certification by the British National Health Service (NHS) for stating that being white does not make you racist and not only that, the NHS wrongly claims Christianity to be racist because it is European when in fact Christianity is a Mid-East religion that was widely embraced and received by Europeans.

[If these dickheads at the NHS had even so much as read a Bible, they would know full well that Christianity did not originate on the European continent and that the Church first consisted mostly of non-whites.]
Christian nurse in Britain denied psychotherapy certification by the British National Health Service (NHS) for stating that being white does not make you racist and not only that, the NHS wrongly claims Christianity to be racist because it is European when in fact Christianity is a Mid-East religion that was widely embraced and received by Europeans. [If these dickheads at the NHS had even so much as read a Bible, they would know full well that Christianity did not originate on the European continent and that the Church first consisted mostly of non-whites.]
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