• https://www.americanlibertyreportnews.com/articles/four-house-rinos-save-merrick-garland-from-being-arrested/
    Four House RINOs Save Merrick Garland from Being Arrested - American Liberty Report
    Attorney General Merrick Garland came very close to getting arrested this week, but four House RINOs hurled themselves in the way and prevented it from happening. Once again, the GOP has snatched defeat from the jaws of certain victory! The House voted on a resolution to hold AG Garland in Inherent Contempt because of his … Continue reading ""
    0 Comments 0 Shares 519 Views
  • https://www.americanlibertyreportnews.com/articles/beware-the-feds-cant-wait-to-january-6-us-again/
    Beware—The Feds Can’t Wait to January 6 Us Again - American Liberty Report
    Have you noticed how angry you are all the time these days? I have. It’s probably not good for my blood pressure. Ever since the fake conviction of Donald Trump in the Soviet-style show trial in New York, I find myself consumed with rage at the left in America. It occurred to me the other … Continue reading ""
    0 Comments 0 Shares 690 Views
  • Smart move ahead of whats to come

    Smart move ahead of whats to come https://www.americanlibertyreportnews.com/articles/rigged-and-unprecedented-appeals-court-keeps-trump-gag-order-in-place/
    Rigged and Unprecedented: Appeals Court Keeps Trump Gag Order in Place - American Liberty Report
    In a stunning development, the New York Court of Appeals has ruled that Donald Trump’s gag order in the fake Stormy Daniels case will remain in place. If Donald Trump is allowed to speak in public, as the First Amendment says he’s allowed to do, even more members of the public might realize how rigged … Continue reading ""
    2 Comments 0 Shares 525 Views
  • WE-THE-PEOPLE Must Become Aware to Reinstill American Liberty

    SUMMARY: These days I tend to focus on the realization that Globalist aligned interests – outside & inside the USA – for decades have been working to erode Individual Liberty, Individual Free Speech, Christian Religious Liberty and American Sovereignty. … Under the guise that hopefully there is a growing awareness that an Elitist Few are trying to dictate and control the way WE THE PEOPLE live, move and have our being… I want to share three Substack posts I ran into over the past couple of days which pretty much falls into my way of thinking… TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/3UR9LDR
    #Awaken #WeThePeople #AmericanLiberty
    WE-THE-PEOPLE Must Become Aware to Reinstill American Liberty SUMMARY: These days I tend to focus on the realization that Globalist aligned interests – outside & inside the USA – for decades have been working to erode Individual Liberty, Individual Free Speech, Christian Religious Liberty and American Sovereignty. … Under the guise that hopefully there is a growing awareness that an Elitist Few are trying to dictate and control the way WE THE PEOPLE live, move and have our being… I want to share three Substack posts I ran into over the past couple of days which pretty much falls into my way of thinking… TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/3UR9LDR #Awaken #WeThePeople #AmericanLiberty
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6080 Views
  • https://www.americanlibertyreportnews.com/articles/media-outlet-sparks-massive-outrage-after-fantasizing-about-death-of-donald-trump/
    Media Outlet Sparks Massive Outrage After Fantasizing About Death of Donald Trump
    1 Comments 0 Shares 812 Views
  • https://www.americanlibertyreportnews.com/articles/retired-postal-worker-describes-how-the-post-office-helped-steal-the-2020-election/
    Retired Postal Worker Describes How the Post Office Helped Steal the 2020 Election
    0 Comments 0 Shares 712 Views
  • https://americanliberty.news/defense-news/mass-murder-suspect-isnt-a-firearms-instructor-but-is-mentally-ill/pcrespo/2023/10/
    Mass Murder Suspect Isn’t A ‘Firearms Instructor’ But Is Mentally Ill
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1471 Views
  • https://www.americanlibertyreportnews.com/articles/trump-surges-as-wisconsin-supreme-court-nukes-democrats-election-drop-boxes-from-orbit/
    Trump Surges as Wisconsin Supreme Court NUKES Democrats Election Drop Boxes from Orbit
    0 Comments 0 Shares 883 Views
  • You scumbags were put in office by us, WE THE PEOPLE and if this is truly the way you feel. . . . . LEAVE & BECOME A demonRAT.

    You scumbags were put in office by us, WE THE PEOPLE and if this is truly the way you feel. . . . . LEAVE & BECOME A demonRAT. https://www.americanlibertyreportnews.com/articles/gop-senators-are-horrified-that-their-voters-support-the-bad-orange-man/
    GOP Senators Are Horrified That Their Voters Support the Bad Orange Man
    1 Comments 0 Shares 730 Views