• Gen Milley pushing forward with the War in Ukraine despite mass death and suffering in the regime. Milley & Joe Biden decided last month to use cluster bombs, banned by over 100 countries.
    Hashtag: warmonger democrats https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/top-us-general-meets-pope-discuss-war-after/ @gatewaypundit
    Gen Milley pushing forward with the War in Ukraine despite mass death and suffering in the regime. Milley & Joe Biden decided last month to use cluster bombs, banned by over 100 countries. Hashtag: warmonger democrats https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/top-us-general-meets-pope-discuss-war-after/ @gatewaypundit
    Top US General Meets with Pope to Discuss War After Dropping Cluster Bombs on Russians
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