• HealthRanger
    ALERT: Alex Jones just broadcast today that government is right now in the process of attempting to illegally seize the InfoWars studios, to put locks on the doors, then force liquidate all broadcast assets, to silence
    . Alex slept in his studio last night and has publicly said he would call local police to stop the illegal federal raid on his studios. Details are coming in slowly, situation is uncertain. Not able to verify everything at this time, but everyone should pray for
    and the InfoWars operation, pray for their safety and for their defense against a corrupt cabal of government thugs who have "convicted" #Trump of a made-up crime and are now shutting down prominent alt media in America. See Infowars dot com slash "show" to see Alex's broadcast from earlier today to hear details straight from him.
    HealthRanger @HealthRanger ALERT: Alex Jones just broadcast today that government is right now in the process of attempting to illegally seize the InfoWars studios, to put locks on the doors, then force liquidate all broadcast assets, to silence @RealAlexJones . Alex slept in his studio last night and has publicly said he would call local police to stop the illegal federal raid on his studios. Details are coming in slowly, situation is uncertain. Not able to verify everything at this time, but everyone should pray for @RealAlexJones and the InfoWars operation, pray for their safety and for their defense against a corrupt cabal of government thugs who have "convicted" #Trump of a made-up crime and are now shutting down prominent alt media in America. See Infowars dot com slash "show" to see Alex's broadcast from earlier today to hear details straight from him.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 61 Visualizações

  • Liz Wheeler
    I generally avoid predictions…

    But here’s my prediction of what will happen in this Trump trial…

    Trump will be convicted.

    This is due to a biased jury & radical leftist judge. In reality he’s innocent, which is obvious from the facts of the case. But… nonetheless, he’ll be convicted.

    Trump will then be the “convicted felon” that Democrats want for campaign ads.

    Will Trump go to prison?

    Not right away. The Democrats will use the “convicted felon” “criminal” “facing prison time” language in the lead up to the election, but they won’t dare send him to prison before Election Day because it would energize Trump’s base ten times more than the epic Trump mugshot.

    The Democrats will try to cheat (again) & rig the election (again), to prevent Trump from getting to the White House. They’ll probably be successful in their cheating, due to the fact that Republicans have done nothing to counter the Democrat electioneering of 2020.

    Subsequently, if Joe Biden “wins” the election, Trump most likely won’t go to prison because Democrats will be wide-eyed innocent liars when they claim “We don’t want it to appear that we’re targeting political enemies.”

    But, if Trump wins because Republican voter turnout is so enormous it overcomes Democrat cheating, then Trump will be sent to prison.

    When? When the radical leftist Marxist Democrats who hate our country—and us—are ready for revolution.

    Because, if Trump is sent to prison—even as POTUS—it will spawn political violence. The left knows this and it’s what they want.

    The Democrats will try to blame Trump supporters for the violence. But ultimately remember, it’s NOT conservatives who want violence. It’s the bloodthirsty communist left who want a “civil war.” They want unrest, riots, anarchy & violence because it will allow them to usurp our rights in the name of “safety” and “democracy” & to overthrow our system of republican government and instead impose the tyranny they admit they want.

    2025 isn’t going to be pretty.

    We have Islamist terrorists hidden in our cities.

    We have sympathizers of genocidal terrorists marching on our college campuses (and in Congress!).

    We have drug cartels operating in all 50 states whose business is the killing of our citizens with fentanyl.

    Our institutions—from healthcare to education—are captured by Marxists.

    Our financial system has been primed to be weaponized against us with ESG.

    The value of our dollar is so fragile thanks to deliberate overspending by Biden that all of our wealth & prosperity is hanging by a thread.

    And one half of the American public—who probably hate being called American—has been conditioned to hate anyone who is white, Christian, conservative, or believes in free speech. This hateful mob have proved themselves willing to burn businesses, assault law enforcement, target Trump supporters, persecute Christians, censor conservatives, and establish anarchy at the slightest emotional impetus.

    This brainwashed mob now just awaits word from the Democrats to unleash violence against us—again. And this time, as recorded conversations from inside radical orgs have shown, the violence they plan will be worse than the Summer of Rage 2020.

    Trump’s impending, bogus conviction is a key part of this plot. Nothing but extreme, repeated wrong deliberately inflicted by the left on the right all but ensures that some righteously angry but imprudent idiot acts out in violence if Trump is sent to prison, thereby setting the stage for the revolution the left wants.
    Liz Wheeler @Liz_Wheeler I generally avoid predictions… But here’s my prediction of what will happen in this Trump trial… Trump will be convicted. This is due to a biased jury & radical leftist judge. In reality he’s innocent, which is obvious from the facts of the case. But… nonetheless, he’ll be convicted. Trump will then be the “convicted felon” that Democrats want for campaign ads. Will Trump go to prison? Not right away. The Democrats will use the “convicted felon” “criminal” “facing prison time” language in the lead up to the election, but they won’t dare send him to prison before Election Day because it would energize Trump’s base ten times more than the epic Trump mugshot. The Democrats will try to cheat (again) & rig the election (again), to prevent Trump from getting to the White House. They’ll probably be successful in their cheating, due to the fact that Republicans have done nothing to counter the Democrat electioneering of 2020. Subsequently, if Joe Biden “wins” the election, Trump most likely won’t go to prison because Democrats will be wide-eyed innocent liars when they claim “We don’t want it to appear that we’re targeting political enemies.” But, if Trump wins because Republican voter turnout is so enormous it overcomes Democrat cheating, then Trump will be sent to prison. When? When the radical leftist Marxist Democrats who hate our country—and us—are ready for revolution. Because, if Trump is sent to prison—even as POTUS—it will spawn political violence. The left knows this and it’s what they want. The Democrats will try to blame Trump supporters for the violence. But ultimately remember, it’s NOT conservatives who want violence. It’s the bloodthirsty communist left who want a “civil war.” They want unrest, riots, anarchy & violence because it will allow them to usurp our rights in the name of “safety” and “democracy” & to overthrow our system of republican government and instead impose the tyranny they admit they want. 2025 isn’t going to be pretty. We have Islamist terrorists hidden in our cities. We have sympathizers of genocidal terrorists marching on our college campuses (and in Congress!). We have drug cartels operating in all 50 states whose business is the killing of our citizens with fentanyl. Our institutions—from healthcare to education—are captured by Marxists. Our financial system has been primed to be weaponized against us with ESG. The value of our dollar is so fragile thanks to deliberate overspending by Biden that all of our wealth & prosperity is hanging by a thread. And one half of the American public—who probably hate being called American—has been conditioned to hate anyone who is white, Christian, conservative, or believes in free speech. This hateful mob have proved themselves willing to burn businesses, assault law enforcement, target Trump supporters, persecute Christians, censor conservatives, and establish anarchy at the slightest emotional impetus. This brainwashed mob now just awaits word from the Democrats to unleash violence against us—again. And this time, as recorded conversations from inside radical orgs have shown, the violence they plan will be worse than the Summer of Rage 2020. Trump’s impending, bogus conviction is a key part of this plot. Nothing but extreme, repeated wrong deliberately inflicted by the left on the right all but ensures that some righteously angry but imprudent idiot acts out in violence if Trump is sent to prison, thereby setting the stage for the revolution the left wants.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 611 Visualizações
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    JK Rowling said she spoke up about transgender issues because she believes she is witnessing “the greatest assault of my lifetime” on women’s rights and would have “felt ashamed for the re
    Trans rights are ‘greatest assault of my lifetime’ on women’s rights, says JK Rowling https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/29/jk-rowling-transgender-assault-womens-rights-book-essay/ JK Rowling said she spoke up about transgender issues because she believes she is witnessing “the greatest assault of my lifetime” on women’s rights and would have “felt ashamed for the re
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    Harry Potter author explains her beliefs in an essay for The Women Who Wouldn’t Wheesht, a new book on Scotland’s battle for women’s rights
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  • Al Jazeera - A brief history of the traffic light and why we need a new colour:


    #TrafficSignal #TrafficLight #TrafficSafety #Throughput #Efficiency #ParliamentSquare #London #WilliamPott #Detroit #GasLight #GarrettMorgan #ElectricLight #SemaphoreSignalling #Semaphore #History #TransportationEngineering #Engineering #Transportation
    Al Jazeera - A brief history of the traffic light and why we need a new colour: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/25/the-history-of-traffic-lights-and-why-we-need-the-colour-white #TrafficSignal #TrafficLight #TrafficSafety #Throughput #Efficiency #ParliamentSquare #London #WilliamPott #Detroit #GasLight #GarrettMorgan #ElectricLight #SemaphoreSignalling #Semaphore #History #TransportationEngineering #Engineering #Transportation
    A brief history of the traffic light and why we need a new colour
    The design has barely changed in 100 years but, now, self-drive vehicles may need a fourth colour.
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  • https://medforth.biz/norwegian-bdsm-activist-behind-who-decision-to-remove-transvestic-fetishism-and-sadomasochism-from-psychiatric-diagnoses/
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  • Lucas Nolan - Google Targets Microsoft’s Enterprise Security Weaknesses, Pitches Its Services to Government:


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    Lucas Nolan - Google Targets Microsoft’s Enterprise Security Weaknesses, Pitches Its Services to Government: https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2024/05/22/google-targets-microsofts-enterprise-security-weaknesses-pitches-its-services-to-governments/ #CyberSafetyReviewBoard #CSRB #Google #Microsoft #SingleSource #Cracking #Vulnerabilities #EnterpriseSecurity #NetworkSecurity #InformationTechnology #ComputerScience
    Google Targets Microsoft’s Enterprise Security Weaknesses, Pitches Its Services to Governments
    In the wake of a damning report from the US Cyber Safety Review Board (CSRB), Google is seizing the opportunity to challenge Microsoft’s dominance in the enterprise security market by offering its services to government institutions.
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  • Proverbs 29:25 Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the LORD means safety.
    Proverbs 29:25 Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the LORD means safety.
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  • Pray For The Safety Of Donald Trump, As He Rallys In The Bronx. May the hand of God guard him safely against the evils of darkness. AMEN! https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/president-donald-j-trump-to-visit-the-south-bronx?_gl=1*x5bhdz*_gcl_au*NzE3MTkzOTM3LjE3MTY0MTc0OTA.
    Pray For The Safety Of Donald Trump, As He Rallys In The Bronx. May the hand of God guard him safely against the evils of darkness. AMEN! https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/president-donald-j-trump-to-visit-the-south-bronx?_gl=1*x5bhdz*_gcl_au*NzE3MTkzOTM3LjE3MTY0MTc0OTA.
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  • 2 links: BREAKING: Democrat Politicians, Socialists, Far Left Open Borders Groups Announce Plans to Protest Trump's Historic Bronx Rally Tomorrow// EVIL LEFTISTS with TDS will probably murder some innocent UNARMED folks with their "INSURRECTION" https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/breaking-democrat-politicians-socialists-far-left-open-borders Pray For The Safety Of Donald Trump, As He Rallys In The Bronx. May the hand of God guard him safely against the evils of darkness. AMEN! https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/president-donald-j-trump-to-visit-the-south-bronx?_gl=1*x5bhdz*_gcl_au*NzE3MTkzOTM3LjE3MTY0MTc0OTA.
    2 links: BREAKING: Democrat Politicians, Socialists, Far Left Open Borders Groups Announce Plans to Protest Trump's Historic Bronx Rally Tomorrow// EVIL LEFTISTS with TDS will probably murder some innocent UNARMED folks with their "INSURRECTION" https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/breaking-democrat-politicians-socialists-far-left-open-borders Pray For The Safety Of Donald Trump, As He Rallys In The Bronx. May the hand of God guard him safely against the evils of darkness. AMEN! https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/president-donald-j-trump-to-visit-the-south-bronx?_gl=1*x5bhdz*_gcl_au*NzE3MTkzOTM3LjE3MTY0MTc0OTA.
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