Louisiana Man Wins Lawsuit Against Town That Targeted Anti-Biden Flags on His Truck. A resort island town on the Louisiana coast will repeal an anti-obscenity ordinance and let him fly a flag from his truck that carries an obscenity aimed at Joe Biden, https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/louisiana-man-wins-lawsuit-against-town-that-targeted
Louisiana Man Wins Lawsuit Against Town That Targeted Anti-Biden Flags on His Truck. A resort island town on the Louisiana coast will repeal an anti-obscenity ordinance and let him fly a flag from his truck that carries an obscenity aimed at Joe Biden, https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/louisiana-man-wins-lawsuit-against-town-that-targeted
Louisiana Man Wins Lawsuit Against Town That Targeted the Anti-Biden Flags on His Truck
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