'Prosecutorial Power' Urged for 2020 'Zuckerbucks' Influence. Mark Zuckerberg handed out some $400 million “Zuckerbucks,” to influence 2020 election leftist elections officials who used it to recruit leftist voters – to vote for Joe Biden. Left is begging "Zukerbucks" to repeat history. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/prosecutorial-power-urged-2020-zuckerbucks-influence @gatewaypundit
'Prosecutorial Power' Urged for 2020 'Zuckerbucks' Influence. Mark Zuckerberg handed out some $400 million “Zuckerbucks,” to influence 2020 election leftist elections officials who used it to recruit leftist voters – to vote for Joe Biden. Left is begging "Zukerbucks" to repeat history. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/prosecutorial-power-urged-2020-zuckerbucks-influence @gatewaypundit
'Prosecutorial Power' Urged for 2020 'Zuckerbucks' Influence | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor
This article originally appeared on WND.com Guest by post by Bob Unruh ‘Republican officials and lawmakers who care about U.S.
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