A Confused Joe Biden Announces a 'White House Summer on Extreme Heat' – Smears Millions of Americans as 'Really Dumb' (VIDEO) Translation: More Communism. America has hot summers for 247 years. We should NOT be charged a tax for it!!! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/confused-joe-biden-announces-white-house-summer-extreme @gatewaypundit
A Confused Joe Biden Announces a 'White House Summer on Extreme Heat' – Smears Millions of Americans as 'Really Dumb' (VIDEO) Translation: More Communism. America has hot summers for 247 years. We should NOT be charged a tax for it!!! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/confused-joe-biden-announces-white-house-summer-extreme @gatewaypundit
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