Developing: Russia Says Moscow Theater Terrorists Received Funding from Ukraine – Via Cryptocurrency which possibly means the US was involved. Biden's proxy war with Putin through Ukraine, and Joe thinks he can keep it hid. But Putin is still smart enough to know how the democrat party works after all these years. @gatewaypundit
Developing: Russia Says Moscow Theater Terrorists Received Funding from Ukraine – Via Cryptocurrency which possibly means the US was involved. Biden's proxy war with Putin through Ukraine, and Joe thinks he can keep it hid. But Putin is still smart enough to know how the democrat party works after all these years. @gatewaypundit
Developing: Russia Says Moscow Theater Terrorists Received Funding from Ukraine - Via Cryptocurrency | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
Russia reported on Thursday the Moscow theater terrorists received their financial backing from Ukraine – which could possibly mean the US was involved.
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