Dr David Martin Minces No Words

I’m done talking about COVID and I’m done talking about SARS-CoV-2. And I’m done for a very simple reason: For 110 years, we the people of the world have been lied to; where a group of a very small number of criminal, industrial conspirators decided to subordinate the entirety of the human population for the purpose of their sinister plans to enrich themselves while impoverishing and killing the rest of humanity and I’m done being polite.

We’ve long past polite. When the words “acceptable death rate” become part of an industrial norm, we have lost the plot o humanity. And that’s not my words, those were the words of the World Health Organization and of Pfizer and of Moderna, when they were given the authorization to begin the process of killing human beings in the interest of advancing their goals.

Next slide. And I’m also
Dr David Martin Minces No Words https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/dr-david-martin-minces-no-words/ I’m done talking about COVID and I’m done talking about SARS-CoV-2. And I’m done for a very simple reason: For 110 years, we the people of the world have been lied to; where a group of a very small number of criminal, industrial conspirators decided to subordinate the entirety of the human population for the purpose of their sinister plans to enrich themselves while impoverishing and killing the rest of humanity and I’m done being polite. We’ve long past polite. When the words “acceptable death rate” become part of an industrial norm, we have lost the plot o humanity. And that’s not my words, those were the words of the World Health Organization and of Pfizer and of Moderna, when they were given the authorization to begin the process of killing human beings in the interest of advancing their goals. Next slide. And I’m also
Dr David Martin Minces No Words
 This is the Earth-shattering presentation, "Dr David Martin Liberty & Justice in an Era of Pandemics - Ending the WHO Tyranny," made on September 13th, 2023. Dr Martin and a panel bravely exposed the World Health Organization for the criminal organization that it is and proved that COVID is, indeed a bioweapon. ### TRANSCRIPT I'm
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