No, The Constitution Does Not Allow Children Born Of Non-Citizens To Become President Of The United States// But She's as good as Obama. When he first became President, they kept it hid that he was Muslim (headhunter). Then he admitted to the world that he is Muslim, and the video is still on youtube.
Obama's parent's records were changed and disguised so that Obama could infiltrate America and change it into the radical divisions of people and races fighting each other. That's what Obama built. Even tho I'm BLACK, they would call me a white nationalist and racist for bringing these facts out. @gatewaypundit
No, The Constitution Does Not Allow Children Born Of Non-Citizens To Become President Of The United States// But She's as good as Obama. When he first became President, they kept it hid that he was Muslim (headhunter). Then he admitted to the world that he is Muslim, and the video is still on youtube. Obama's parent's records were changed and disguised so that Obama could infiltrate America and change it into the radical divisions of people and races fighting each other. That's what Obama built. Even tho I'm BLACK, they would call me a white nationalist and racist for bringing these facts out. @gatewaypundit
No, The Constitution Does Not Allow Children Born Of Non-Citizens To Become President Of The United States | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Ingrassia
Nikki Haley, the daughter of two non-citizens, is patently ineligible to serve as President or Vice President under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution The following analysis is a detailed response to critiques of an article I wrote earlier this month that garnered national attention, and was even ed by President Trump, shedding light on Nikki Haley’s ineligibility to serve as President or Vice President under the Constitution. My article was published originally on my Substack and American Greatness, and was titled “The Constitution Absolutely Prohibits Nikki Haley From Being President Or Vice President.” By Paul Ingrassia As A Threshold Matter, Nikki Haley, The Daughter Of Two Non-Citizens, Must Provie Proof That Her Parents Were Lawful Residents When She Was Born As we head into the New Hampshire Republican primary, the presidential field has consolidated around three major candidates:
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