Trump 2024
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  • My Trump Assassination Attempt Suspicion

    SUMMARY: Dem-Marxist, RINO and Never-Trumper ludicrous Conspiracy Theories ranging from Trump staged a shooting for sympathy, Trump stumbled, A Republican tried to kill Trump, Gravity indicates of blood flow makes no sense… The most plausible Conspiracy Theory the Trump assassination attempt was an inside job from one or more government agencies…TAKE A look!
    My Trump Assassination Attempt Suspicion INSIDE JOB SUMMARY: Dem-Marxist, RINO and Never-Trumper ludicrous Conspiracy Theories ranging from Trump staged a shooting for sympathy, Trump stumbled, A Republican tried to kill Trump, Gravity indicates of blood flow makes no sense… The most plausible Conspiracy Theory the Trump assassination attempt was an inside job from one or more government agencies…TAKE A look! #InsideJobAssassination
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  • HMM… Crooks Shot Dead Ergo No Revealing Interrogation

    SUMMARY: Well this guy has an appropriate last: Crooks. Full name: Thomas Matthew Crooks – Trump Assassination Attempt… Is it convenient Crooks was shot dead after his attempted murder failed? … Deep State Complicity I have NO DOUBT! Crooks INFO & Larry Johnson on Secret Service complicity in the assassination attempt…READ ON!
    #TrumpDerangementSyndrome #ComplicityToAssassinate
    HMM… Crooks Shot Dead Ergo No Revealing Interrogation SUMMARY: Well this guy has an appropriate last: Crooks. Full name: Thomas Matthew Crooks – Trump Assassination Attempt… Is it convenient Crooks was shot dead after his attempted murder failed? … Deep State Complicity I have NO DOUBT! Crooks INFO & Larry Johnson on Secret Service complicity in the assassination attempt…READ ON! #TrumpDerangementSyndrome #ComplicityToAssassinate
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  • SCOTUS Presidential Immunity: Leftist Lies vs Actual Application

    SUMMARY: Frankly, I have not been too pleased with SCOTUS rulings recently then their most recent rulings appear to spark some hope the Conservative majority might be coming to their senses… SCOTUS certifies official acts of the POTUS are protected by Presidential Immunity. OF COURSE Dem-Marxists & propagandists distort/LIE about SCOTUS ruling…LOOK AT THE FACTS!
    #DemMarxistFearmongering #PresidentialImmunityFacts
    SCOTUS Presidential Immunity: Leftist Lies vs Actual Application SUMMARY: Frankly, I have not been too pleased with SCOTUS rulings recently then their most recent rulings appear to spark some hope the Conservative majority might be coming to their senses… SCOTUS certifies official acts of the POTUS are protected by Presidential Immunity. OF COURSE Dem-Marxists & propagandists distort/LIE about SCOTUS ruling…LOOK AT THE FACTS! #DemMarxistFearmongering #PresidentialImmunityFacts
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  • Debate Removes Doubt Biden an Installed Puppet

    SUMMARY: I did not watch the Trump-Biden Debate on Thursday (6/27/24) at CNN (aka Communist News Network or CIA-Controlled Network) because I was convinced it would be rigged. So, I decided to read about it the next day. All indications are Biden was too overtaken in his dementia for whatever mind-enhancing cocktail to work… I’m sharing 2 perspectives followed by a UGETube upload of the CNN moderated debate. –TAKE A LOOK!
    #BidenDementia #ResistTheCoup
    Debate Removes Doubt Biden an Installed Puppet SUMMARY: I did not watch the Trump-Biden Debate on Thursday (6/27/24) at CNN (aka Communist News Network or CIA-Controlled Network) because I was convinced it would be rigged. So, I decided to read about it the next day. All indications are Biden was too overtaken in his dementia for whatever mind-enhancing cocktail to work… I’m sharing 2 perspectives followed by a UGETube upload of the CNN moderated debate. –TAKE A LOOK! #BidenDementia #ResistTheCoup
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  • Dems Great Replacement Exposed & Great Reset Backfire

    SUMMARY: I came across two important posts relating to the agenda of Dem-Marxists and Globalist ONE-Worlders desire to Fundamentally Transform the thinking (meaning BRAINWASHING) of Americans on their Constitutional Liberty… Dem-Marxist agenda to replace Americans with foreign-born immigrants as a voting block PLUS Tucker & Neil Oliver discuss how Great Reset has backfired on WEF Globalist-Elitists…TAKE A LOOK!
    #StopDemsVoterReplacemnt #GreatResetBackfire
    Dems Great Replacement Exposed & Great Reset Backfire SUMMARY: I came across two important posts relating to the agenda of Dem-Marxists and Globalist ONE-Worlders desire to Fundamentally Transform the thinking (meaning BRAINWASHING) of Americans on their Constitutional Liberty… Dem-Marxist agenda to replace Americans with foreign-born immigrants as a voting block PLUS Tucker & Neil Oliver discuss how Great Reset has backfired on WEF Globalist-Elitists…TAKE A LOOK! #StopDemsVoterReplacemnt #GreatResetBackfire
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  • Dem-Marxist Political Persecution Could be Knocking on YOUR Door

    SUMMARY: President Trump’s political persecution Soviet-style show trials are a symbol of what the Dem-Marxists installed into power… intend for Conservative-Patriots resisting the Fundamental Transformation of America. Steve Bannon is one of many Patriots becoming incarcerated to politically silence RESISTANCE… Tucker Carlson interviews Bannon…TAKE A LOOK!
    Dem-Marxist Political Persecution Could be Knocking on YOUR Door SUMMARY: President Trump’s political persecution Soviet-style show trials are a symbol of what the Dem-Marxists installed into power… intend for Conservative-Patriots resisting the Fundamental Transformation of America. Steve Bannon is one of many Patriots becoming incarcerated to politically silence RESISTANCE… Tucker Carlson interviews Bannon…TAKE A LOOK! #ResistTyranny
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  • This is why they want to put Steve Bannon in prison (spoiler alert: HIS VOICE)
    This is why they want to put Steve Bannon in prison (spoiler alert: HIS VOICE)
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  • Looking at Donald Trump Political Persecution & Understanding Fascism

    SUMMARY: A John Eastman post examines the ludicrous political persecution of Donald Trump’s recent Kangaroo stacked Court conviction which is some information Voters should become aware. AND Dinesh D’Souza explains that Fascism (which also means Nazism) is as much a radical Leftist Socialist construct as the variations of Marxism is. –TAKE A LOOK!
    #TrumpPoliticalPersecution #FascismExplained
    Looking at Donald Trump Political Persecution & Understanding Fascism SUMMARY: A John Eastman post examines the ludicrous political persecution of Donald Trump’s recent Kangaroo stacked Court conviction which is some information Voters should become aware. AND Dinesh D’Souza explains that Fascism (which also means Nazism) is as much a radical Leftist Socialist construct as the variations of Marxism is. –TAKE A LOOK! #TrumpPoliticalPersecution #FascismExplained
    0 Comments 0 Shares 479 Views
  • The Trump Kangaroo-Conviction Should Inspire Acts of MAGA!

    SUMMARY: A few days ago [ACTUALLY 2020-ELECTED] President Donald Trump was convicted of crimes no one seems to be able clearly define… Since 2020, AND NOW 2024, I feel I live in a nation where the Constitution is shredded, the Rule of Law is Soviet-style and the heritage established by America’s Founders has placed Americans wanting to live under Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness… If you desire to resist the Fundamental Transformation of America, READ ON…
    #ResistTyranny #StopPoliticalPersecution
    The Trump Kangaroo-Conviction Should Inspire Acts of MAGA! SUMMARY: A few days ago [ACTUALLY 2020-ELECTED] President Donald Trump was convicted of crimes no one seems to be able clearly define… Since 2020, AND NOW 2024, I feel I live in a nation where the Constitution is shredded, the Rule of Law is Soviet-style and the heritage established by America’s Founders has placed Americans wanting to live under Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness… If you desire to resist the Fundamental Transformation of America, READ ON… #ResistTyranny #StopPoliticalPersecution
    0 Comments 0 Shares 395 Views
  • CIA Mis-Mal-Dis-INFORMATION & AI Musings

    SUMMARY: Hopefully you are aware it is illegal for the CIA to conduct any operations on American soil against American citizens. AND YET the CIA has been brainwashing American citizens & is Documented to have conducted Mis-Mal-Dis-INFORMATION campaigns on U.S. soil… ALSO video on AI Revolution… TAKE A LOOK!
    #CIAMisMalDisInformation #AIRevolution
    CIA Mis-Mal-Dis-INFORMATION & AI Musings SUMMARY: Hopefully you are aware it is illegal for the CIA to conduct any operations on American soil against American citizens. AND YET the CIA has been brainwashing American citizens & is Documented to have conducted Mis-Mal-Dis-INFORMATION campaigns on U.S. soil… ALSO video on AI Revolution… TAKE A LOOK! #CIAMisMalDisInformation #AIRevolution
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  • This is what every honest person thinks about Donald Trump.
    This is what every honest person thinks about Donald Trump.
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  • RT @rawsalerts: #BREAKING: President Joe Biden will not appear on Ohio’s November presidential ballot, according to Secretary of State
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