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  • IT’S AMAZING! My Blogger Appeal Leads to SlantRight 2.0 Reinstatement.

    SUMMARY: Hmm… on July 25, I posted my displeasure with Blogger deleting SlantRight 2.0 for being accused of violating WOKE Community Guidelines. … I responded on Mirror Blogs… I discovered in my Email Inbox Blogger responded favorably to a filed appeal AND REINSTATED SlantRight 2.0… I will keep plugging away with my Conservative-Patriot perspective and await if any Platform enters the Censorship/Deplatform Twilight Zone. …MORE TO READ!
    #SlantRight2.0 #WokeBlogger #RareAppealReinstatement
    IT’S AMAZING! My Blogger Appeal Leads to SlantRight 2.0 Reinstatement. https://slantedright2.blogspot.com/2024/07/its-amazing-my-blogger-appeal-leads-to.html SUMMARY: Hmm… on July 25, I posted my displeasure with Blogger deleting SlantRight 2.0 for being accused of violating WOKE Community Guidelines. … I responded on Mirror Blogs… I discovered in my Email Inbox Blogger responded favorably to a filed appeal AND REINSTATED SlantRight 2.0… I will keep plugging away with my Conservative-Patriot perspective and await if any Platform enters the Censorship/Deplatform Twilight Zone. …MORE TO READ! #SlantRight2.0 #WokeBlogger #RareAppealReinstatement
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  • Let’s Hold Installed Regime Accountable!

    SUMMARY: Newsmax Headline: “Embattled Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Resigns”. … The speculation: My instincts a resignation ensued as hopeful cover for continuous Mayorkas Trump political persecution. … READ Cross Posts Framing My Speculation! Hold this installed regime accountable – ONE WAY OR THE OTHER!
    #UpdatedThomasCrooks #SecretServiceComplicity #MayorkasCoverup
    Let’s Hold Installed Regime Accountable! https://tinyurl.com/c77hm732 SUMMARY: Newsmax Headline: “Embattled Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Resigns”. … The speculation: My instincts a resignation ensued as hopeful cover for continuous Mayorkas Trump political persecution. … READ Cross Posts Framing My Speculation! Hold this installed regime accountable – ONE WAY OR THE OTHER! #UpdatedThomasCrooks #SecretServiceComplicity #MayorkasCoverup
    0 Comments 0 Shares 66 Views
  • Video Theme: USA Republic vs USA Traitors

    SUMMARY: Our U.S. government has become so corrupted on every Constitutional Branch…MY OPINION: There is a COVERUP by American Traitors on went down on the Trump Assassination Attempt…Take a Look at videos of Republic Patriots vs USA Traitors!
    #USARepublic #AmericanTraitors
    Video Theme: USA Republic vs USA Traitors https://tinyurl.com/4m6u3wnd SUMMARY: Our U.S. government has become so corrupted on every Constitutional Branch…MY OPINION: There is a COVERUP by American Traitors on went down on the Trump Assassination Attempt…Take a Look at videos of Republic Patriots vs USA Traitors! #USARepublic #AmericanTraitors
    0 Comments 0 Shares 275 Views
  • Censorship Happens – So I Redirect

    SUMMARY: In these days in which more and more data is emerging that the mRNA IS NOT Safe and NOR Effective as shown even in U.S. Congressional Testimony, the Blogger Platform (Owned by Google) is still deleting posts under the guise COMMUNITY STANDARDS VIOLATIONS. (Why do I still use Blogger? Frankly, it is the location of most of my readers.) …READ ON TO READ POST DELETED on different platform.
    #BloggerCensorship #NarrativeLies
    Censorship Happens – So I Redirect https://oneway2day.com/2024/07/19/censorship-happens-so-i-redirect/ SUMMARY: In these days in which more and more data is emerging that the mRNA IS NOT Safe and NOR Effective as shown even in U.S. Congressional Testimony, the Blogger Platform (Owned by Google) is still deleting posts under the guise COMMUNITY STANDARDS VIOLATIONS. (Why do I still use Blogger? Frankly, it is the location of most of my readers.) …READ ON TO READ POST DELETED on different platform. #BloggerCensorship #NarrativeLies
    0 Comments 0 Shares 234 Views
  • My Trump Assassination Attempt Suspicion

    SUMMARY: Dem-Marxist, RINO and Never-Trumper ludicrous Conspiracy Theories ranging from Trump staged a shooting for sympathy, Trump stumbled, A Republican tried to kill Trump, Gravity indicates of blood flow makes no sense… The most plausible Conspiracy Theory the Trump assassination attempt was an inside job from one or more government agencies…TAKE A look!
    My Trump Assassination Attempt Suspicion INSIDE JOB https://tinyurl.com/2h554fdc SUMMARY: Dem-Marxist, RINO and Never-Trumper ludicrous Conspiracy Theories ranging from Trump staged a shooting for sympathy, Trump stumbled, A Republican tried to kill Trump, Gravity indicates of blood flow makes no sense… The most plausible Conspiracy Theory the Trump assassination attempt was an inside job from one or more government agencies…TAKE A look! #InsideJobAssassination
    0 Comments 0 Shares 334 Views
  • HMM… Crooks Shot Dead Ergo No Revealing Interrogation

    SUMMARY: Well this guy has an appropriate last: Crooks. Full name: Thomas Matthew Crooks – Trump Assassination Attempt… Is it convenient Crooks was shot dead after his attempted murder failed? … Deep State Complicity I have NO DOUBT! Crooks INFO & Larry Johnson on Secret Service complicity in the assassination attempt…READ ON!
    #TrumpDerangementSyndrome #ComplicityToAssassinate
    HMM… Crooks Shot Dead Ergo No Revealing Interrogation https://tinyurl.com/4hrx9hjr SUMMARY: Well this guy has an appropriate last: Crooks. Full name: Thomas Matthew Crooks – Trump Assassination Attempt… Is it convenient Crooks was shot dead after his attempted murder failed? … Deep State Complicity I have NO DOUBT! Crooks INFO & Larry Johnson on Secret Service complicity in the assassination attempt…READ ON! #TrumpDerangementSyndrome #ComplicityToAssassinate
    0 Comments 0 Shares 121 Views
  • Science Narrative Lies Are Unraveling

    SUMMARY: The Defender covered the Senate Hearing on July 11 and was entitled, “Risky Research: Oversight of U.S. Taxpayer Funded High-Risk Virus Research”… The post focuses on former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield apparently departing from the fake-science Narrative revealing his views on the Lab-Leak theory, mRNA failure as a vaccine and that Mandates should NEVER have been implemented. …TAKE A LOOK!
    Science Narrative Lies Are Unraveling https://tinyurl.com/yhnvtj9n SUMMARY: The Defender covered the Senate Hearing on July 11 and was entitled, “Risky Research: Oversight of U.S. Taxpayer Funded High-Risk Virus Research”… The post focuses on former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield apparently departing from the fake-science Narrative revealing his views on the Lab-Leak theory, mRNA failure as a vaccine and that Mandates should NEVER have been implemented. …TAKE A LOOK! #ScienceLiesUnraveling
    0 Comments 0 Shares 302 Views
  • AI Can or Will Lead to Dystopian Future

    SUMMARY: I realize that I have been drawn to concerns of the increasing preponderance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the socio-cultural aspects of our lives… In regard to my AI concerns, 2 posts should awaken some mutual concerns: (1) Lab-grown brain tissue to power AI. (2) Transhumanist promoter Schwab speaking in Communist China about FORCING the masses to “Collaborate” with the WEF 4th Industrial Revolution. –TAKE A LOOK!
    #AIDystopia #TranshumanistFuture
    AI Can or Will Lead to Dystopian Future https://tinyurl.com/3dwmpm22 SUMMARY: I realize that I have been drawn to concerns of the increasing preponderance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the socio-cultural aspects of our lives… In regard to my AI concerns, 2 posts should awaken some mutual concerns: (1) Lab-grown brain tissue to power AI. (2) Transhumanist promoter Schwab speaking in Communist China about FORCING the masses to “Collaborate” with the WEF 4th Industrial Revolution. –TAKE A LOOK! #AIDystopia #TranshumanistFuture
    0 Comments 0 Shares 249 Views
  • Americans Have Become the Proverbial Frog in Boiling Pot of Water

    SUMMARY: Some – or even many - might contend that I’m just a senior citizen lamenting about an innocent American past lost. The younger naysayer generations might even have elements of truth in their John’s just an old crabapple trying to re-instill the lost past. … Americans have become the proverbial frog in a pot of water. As the water has come to a boil, WE-THE-PEOPLE are close to not noticing are Liberty has been terminated …MORE TO READ!
    #ResistTransformation #WakeUpAmericans
    Americans Have Become the Proverbial Frog in Boiling Pot of Water https://tinyurl.com/2s47sdzz SUMMARY: Some – or even many - might contend that I’m just a senior citizen lamenting about an innocent American past lost. The younger naysayer generations might even have elements of truth in their John’s just an old crabapple trying to re-instill the lost past. … Americans have become the proverbial frog in a pot of water. As the water has come to a boil, WE-THE-PEOPLE are close to not noticing are Liberty has been terminated …MORE TO READ! #ResistTransformation #WakeUpAmericans
    0 Comments 0 Shares 488 Views
  • RESIST Tyranny in Whatever Form it Appears (VIDEOS)

    SUMMARY: Well loyal blog READERS, today is another video share day… Some are old yet still relevant and some are relatively new and my sense is very relevant. YOU can decide if that is the case… Enjoy, be dismayed, or disagree. Either way use some critical thinking rather than any Narrative Brainwashing. TAKE A LOOK!
    RESIST Tyranny in Whatever Form it Appears (VIDEOS) https://tinyurl.com/mfk2yacp SUMMARY: Well loyal blog READERS, today is another video share day… Some are old yet still relevant and some are relatively new and my sense is very relevant. YOU can decide if that is the case… Enjoy, be dismayed, or disagree. Either way use some critical thinking rather than any Narrative Brainwashing. TAKE A LOOK! #ResistTyranny
    0 Comments 0 Shares 305 Views
  • SCOTUS Presidential Immunity: Leftist Lies vs Actual Application

    SUMMARY: Frankly, I have not been too pleased with SCOTUS rulings recently then their most recent rulings appear to spark some hope the Conservative majority might be coming to their senses… SCOTUS certifies official acts of the POTUS are protected by Presidential Immunity. OF COURSE Dem-Marxists & propagandists distort/LIE about SCOTUS ruling…LOOK AT THE FACTS!
    #DemMarxistFearmongering #PresidentialImmunityFacts
    SCOTUS Presidential Immunity: Leftist Lies vs Actual Application https://tinyurl.com/37yctxsb SUMMARY: Frankly, I have not been too pleased with SCOTUS rulings recently then their most recent rulings appear to spark some hope the Conservative majority might be coming to their senses… SCOTUS certifies official acts of the POTUS are protected by Presidential Immunity. OF COURSE Dem-Marxists & propagandists distort/LIE about SCOTUS ruling…LOOK AT THE FACTS! #DemMarxistFearmongering #PresidentialImmunityFacts
    0 Comments 0 Shares 228 Views
  • Another AI Tyranny Look

    SUMMARY: I recently posted “AI Learning & Global Interconnectedness: The Danger of AI Self Awareness and the Perception of Human Uselessness”. I’m pleased to see that others have concerns about an AI tyranny. Leo Hohmann has posted on Klaus Schwab promoting an AI dictatorship/World Government. I’m sharing Hohmann’s post…. TAKE A LOOK:
    #AITyranny #ForcedNWODictatorship #AItoRule
    Another AI Tyranny Look https://tinyurl.com/z34mn89a SUMMARY: I recently posted “AI Learning & Global Interconnectedness: The Danger of AI Self Awareness and the Perception of Human Uselessness”. I’m pleased to see that others have concerns about an AI tyranny. Leo Hohmann has posted on Klaus Schwab promoting an AI dictatorship/World Government. I’m sharing Hohmann’s post…. TAKE A LOOK: #AITyranny #ForcedNWODictatorship #AItoRule
    0 Comments 0 Shares 352 Views
  • AI Learning & Global Interconnectedness:
    The Danger of AI Self Awareness and the Perception of Human Uselessness

    SUMMARY: Has anyone noticed the proliferation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) being pushed as a good thing across the entire Left-to-Right stratosphere as an aid for we mere humans to search for information? I expected this push from 1-World Leftist Globalists, but I have noticed the same push from outlets which are considered Conservative as well… The science fiction component: Could there develop a WOKE Sentient AI vs a Conservative Sentient AI? … Read and watch the info with your critical thinking!
    #BewareAISelfAwareness #HumanExistence
    AI Learning & Global Interconnectedness: The Danger of AI Self Awareness and the Perception of Human Uselessness https://tinyurl.com/yxka55ss SUMMARY: Has anyone noticed the proliferation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) being pushed as a good thing across the entire Left-to-Right stratosphere as an aid for we mere humans to search for information? I expected this push from 1-World Leftist Globalists, but I have noticed the same push from outlets which are considered Conservative as well… The science fiction component: Could there develop a WOKE Sentient AI vs a Conservative Sentient AI? … Read and watch the info with your critical thinking! #BewareAISelfAwareness #HumanExistence
    0 Comments 0 Shares 424 Views
  • Debate Removes Doubt Biden an Installed Puppet

    SUMMARY: I did not watch the Trump-Biden Debate on Thursday (6/27/24) at CNN (aka Communist News Network or CIA-Controlled Network) because I was convinced it would be rigged. So, I decided to read about it the next day. All indications are Biden was too overtaken in his dementia for whatever mind-enhancing cocktail to work… I’m sharing 2 perspectives followed by a UGETube upload of the CNN moderated debate. –TAKE A LOOK!
    #BidenDementia #ResistTheCoup
    Debate Removes Doubt Biden an Installed Puppet https://tinyurl.com/yzct683r SUMMARY: I did not watch the Trump-Biden Debate on Thursday (6/27/24) at CNN (aka Communist News Network or CIA-Controlled Network) because I was convinced it would be rigged. So, I decided to read about it the next day. All indications are Biden was too overtaken in his dementia for whatever mind-enhancing cocktail to work… I’m sharing 2 perspectives followed by a UGETube upload of the CNN moderated debate. –TAKE A LOOK! #BidenDementia #ResistTheCoup
    0 Comments 0 Shares 573 Views
  • KNOW What YOU Are Resisting

    SUMMARY: Today, I return to be a voice calling for a resistance (PEACEFUL until attacked with violent persecution) against seemingly ever increasing Dem-Marxist and entrenched government BUREAUCRATIC TYRANNY (some say “Deep State” or “4th Branch”). FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION: Greg Reese on Political Prison Camps, AND Magazine on Corrupt (Treasonous) U.S. Intel Community, & DR RIMA LAIBOW on Exiting UN. –TAKE A LOOK!
    #PoliticalPrisonCamps #IntelCommunityTreason #ExitUN
    KNOW What YOU Are Resisting https://tinyurl.com/ytc9jbpz SUMMARY: Today, I return to be a voice calling for a resistance (PEACEFUL until attacked with violent persecution) against seemingly ever increasing Dem-Marxist and entrenched government BUREAUCRATIC TYRANNY (some say “Deep State” or “4th Branch”). FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION: Greg Reese on Political Prison Camps, AND Magazine on Corrupt (Treasonous) U.S. Intel Community, & DR RIMA LAIBOW on Exiting UN. –TAKE A LOOK! #PoliticalPrisonCamps #IntelCommunityTreason #ExitUN
    0 Comments 0 Shares 400 Views
  • INFO Inconvenient to Elitist Narrative

    SUMMARY: Globalist Elitists (that would be Dem-Marxists here in America) have used Medical Tyranny as one tool to impose their ONE-World agenda to control the MANY for the benefit of the FEW. This post examines Anti-Tyranny facts that proponents of an Elitist Narrative will find inconvenient…TAKE A LOOK!
    INFO Inconvenient to Elitist Narrative https://tinyurl.com/5f63ff2p SUMMARY: Globalist Elitists (that would be Dem-Marxists here in America) have used Medical Tyranny as one tool to impose their ONE-World agenda to control the MANY for the benefit of the FEW. This post examines Anti-Tyranny facts that proponents of an Elitist Narrative will find inconvenient…TAKE A LOOK! #InconvenientToElitistNarrative
    0 Comments 0 Shares 462 Views
  • Dems Great Replacement Exposed & Great Reset Backfire

    SUMMARY: I came across two important posts relating to the agenda of Dem-Marxists and Globalist ONE-Worlders desire to Fundamentally Transform the thinking (meaning BRAINWASHING) of Americans on their Constitutional Liberty… Dem-Marxist agenda to replace Americans with foreign-born immigrants as a voting block PLUS Tucker & Neil Oliver discuss how Great Reset has backfired on WEF Globalist-Elitists…TAKE A LOOK!
    #StopDemsVoterReplacemnt #GreatResetBackfire
    Dems Great Replacement Exposed & Great Reset Backfire https://tinyurl.com/2sdpp2d2 SUMMARY: I came across two important posts relating to the agenda of Dem-Marxists and Globalist ONE-Worlders desire to Fundamentally Transform the thinking (meaning BRAINWASHING) of Americans on their Constitutional Liberty… Dem-Marxist agenda to replace Americans with foreign-born immigrants as a voting block PLUS Tucker & Neil Oliver discuss how Great Reset has backfired on WEF Globalist-Elitists…TAKE A LOOK! #StopDemsVoterReplacemnt #GreatResetBackfire
    0 Comments 0 Shares 575 Views
  • Medical Tyranny – BE VIGILANT!
    Summary: Medical Tyranny is an issue Americans should remain vigilant. COVID/Medical Tyranny in America was the primary culprit to achieve an Election Coup in 2020. There is much brouhaha beginning to appear that another Gain of Function pandemic will appear related to Bird Flu (H5N1) will be unleashed from some lab leak somewhere. –TAKE A LOOK & RESIST!
    Medical Tyranny – BE VIGILANT! https://bit.ly/4bhNAeu Summary: Medical Tyranny is an issue Americans should remain vigilant. COVID/Medical Tyranny in America was the primary culprit to achieve an Election Coup in 2020. There is much brouhaha beginning to appear that another Gain of Function pandemic will appear related to Bird Flu (H5N1) will be unleashed from some lab leak somewhere. –TAKE A LOOK & RESIST! #ResistMedicalTyranny
    0 Comments 0 Shares 329 Views
  • Resist the Fundamental Transformation of America

    SUMMARY: By the time I post this, it will be Father’s Day 2024. Anticipating I might be a bit occupied with family on this day, I’m sharing two without much commentary on my part yet I view with interest. Titles:

    o One Ring to Rule Them All: I believe we can all live better lives, entreat our Creator to put off any impending global catastrophe, and please... leave world rule to God

    o Dave Kubal (IFA) Responds to Pride Month

    Resist the Fundamental Transformation of America https://bit.ly/3zcgKhD SUMMARY: By the time I post this, it will be Father’s Day 2024. Anticipating I might be a bit occupied with family on this day, I’m sharing two without much commentary on my part yet I view with interest. Titles: o One Ring to Rule Them All: I believe we can all live better lives, entreat our Creator to put off any impending global catastrophe, and please... leave world rule to God o Dave Kubal (IFA) Responds to Pride Month #ResistCulturalTransformation
    0 Comments 0 Shares 674 Views
  • Dem-Marxist Political Persecution Could be Knocking on YOUR Door

    SUMMARY: President Trump’s political persecution Soviet-style show trials are a symbol of what the Dem-Marxists installed into power… intend for Conservative-Patriots resisting the Fundamental Transformation of America. Steve Bannon is one of many Patriots becoming incarcerated to politically silence RESISTANCE… Tucker Carlson interviews Bannon…TAKE A LOOK!
    Dem-Marxist Political Persecution Could be Knocking on YOUR Door https://bit.ly/3z2TCSU SUMMARY: President Trump’s political persecution Soviet-style show trials are a symbol of what the Dem-Marxists installed into power… intend for Conservative-Patriots resisting the Fundamental Transformation of America. Steve Bannon is one of many Patriots becoming incarcerated to politically silence RESISTANCE… Tucker Carlson interviews Bannon…TAKE A LOOK! #ResistTyranny
    0 Comments 0 Shares 516 Views
  • Videos Looking at Tyranny – Part TWO
    Medical, Globalist & Government

    SUMMARY: This is Part TWO of informative videos of various lengths which I have amassed, typically a perspective on aspects of Tyranny: Medical, Globalist and Government. –TAKE A LOOK!
    Videos Looking at Tyranny – Part TWO Medical, Globalist & Government https://bit.ly/3yY6wl4 SUMMARY: This is Part TWO of informative videos of various lengths which I have amassed, typically a perspective on aspects of Tyranny: Medical, Globalist and Government. –TAKE A LOOK! #ResistTyranny
    0 Comments 0 Shares 506 Views
  • Videos Looking at Tyranny – Part ONE
    Medical, Globalist & Government

    SUMMARY: The time has come again to share informative videos of various lengths which I have amassed typically a perspective on aspects of Tyranny: Medical, Globalist and Government… I do agree with most of the information in these videos yet some of the information I have to think about before I come to a position of agreement or disagreement. My advice to you is to watch with some critical thinking…READ & WATCH!
    #MedicalTyranny #GlobalistTyranny #GovtTyranny
    Videos Looking at Tyranny – Part ONE Medical, Globalist & Government https://bit.ly/3xoZ4yO SUMMARY: The time has come again to share informative videos of various lengths which I have amassed typically a perspective on aspects of Tyranny: Medical, Globalist and Government… I do agree with most of the information in these videos yet some of the information I have to think about before I come to a position of agreement or disagreement. My advice to you is to watch with some critical thinking…READ & WATCH! #MedicalTyranny #GlobalistTyranny #GovtTyranny
    0 Comments 0 Shares 536 Views
  • This is why they want to put Steve Bannon in prison (spoiler alert: HIS VOICE)
    This is why they want to put Steve Bannon in prison (spoiler alert: HIS VOICE) https://rumble.com/v50j2r8-this-is-why-they-want-to-put-steve-bannon-in-prison-spoiler-alert-his-voice.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 703 Views
  • Looking at Donald Trump Political Persecution & Understanding Fascism

    SUMMARY: A John Eastman post examines the ludicrous political persecution of Donald Trump’s recent Kangaroo stacked Court conviction which is some information Voters should become aware. AND Dinesh D’Souza explains that Fascism (which also means Nazism) is as much a radical Leftist Socialist construct as the variations of Marxism is. –TAKE A LOOK!
    #TrumpPoliticalPersecution #FascismExplained
    Looking at Donald Trump Political Persecution & Understanding Fascism https://bit.ly/4c7iqHF SUMMARY: A John Eastman post examines the ludicrous political persecution of Donald Trump’s recent Kangaroo stacked Court conviction which is some information Voters should become aware. AND Dinesh D’Souza explains that Fascism (which also means Nazism) is as much a radical Leftist Socialist construct as the variations of Marxism is. –TAKE A LOOK! #TrumpPoliticalPersecution #FascismExplained
    0 Comments 0 Shares 528 Views
  • Intro to Mike Adams ‘GHOST WORLD – 2022 – 2032 Chap. 1’

    SUMMARY: I was reading a Natural News post and a pop-up jumped on my page to listen to 8-audio chapters including a 60-page PDF of Mike Adams sharing a dystopic outcome impending upon those who by choice or Mandate force, received an mRNA Jab. … I’m cross posting Chapter 1 including a Chapter 1 Brighteon video. The Adams Dystopic scenario is about the mRNA Jabbed facing a MASSIVE “Die-Off’ as in depopulation. Which would restructure society. I don’t know if I agree with numbers, but the scenario is fascinating. –TAKE A LOOK!
    #GhostWorld #mRNADepopulation
    Intro to Mike Adams ‘GHOST WORLD – 2022 – 2032 Chap. 1’ https://oneway2day.com/2024/06/04/intro-to-mike-adams-ghost-world-2022-2032-chap-1/ SUMMARY: I was reading a Natural News post and a pop-up jumped on my page to listen to 8-audio chapters including a 60-page PDF of Mike Adams sharing a dystopic outcome impending upon those who by choice or Mandate force, received an mRNA Jab. … I’m cross posting Chapter 1 including a Chapter 1 Brighteon video. The Adams Dystopic scenario is about the mRNA Jabbed facing a MASSIVE “Die-Off’ as in depopulation. Which would restructure society. I don’t know if I agree with numbers, but the scenario is fascinating. –TAKE A LOOK! #GhostWorld #mRNADepopulation
    0 Comments 0 Shares 605 Views
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