  • 0 Reacties 0 aandelen 292 Views
  • Tulsa Bible Church Sunday Service
    Tulsa Bible Church Sunday Service
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 363 Views
  • Once Again

    Oh the beauty of hues in pink and blue. The sun rises and the sun sets in glorious revelation of all of creation. Yet, sorrow ensues my aching heart. A baby breathes for the first time, a mother’s breast, a child’s cry. And yet, we can only see a glimpse of that same life as time goes by. Death has stolen a light from the earth, and the speed of that life, the rapid beat of a heart, can only be remembered in the mind in part. And even though it seems like life’s cruel joke, we have hope in Christ and the word that has been spoke. Once again we will join with our loved ones in the next life without tear or strife. Because we cared enough to look up above and accept our savior’s love.

    (Caroline Thompson)
    Once Again Oh the beauty of hues in pink and blue. The sun rises and the sun sets in glorious revelation of all of creation. Yet, sorrow ensues my aching heart. A baby breathes for the first time, a mother’s breast, a child’s cry. And yet, we can only see a glimpse of that same life as time goes by. Death has stolen a light from the earth, and the speed of that life, the rapid beat of a heart, can only be remembered in the mind in part. And even though it seems like life’s cruel joke, we have hope in Christ and the word that has been spoke. Once again we will join with our loved ones in the next life without tear or strife. Because we cared enough to look up above and accept our savior’s love. (Caroline Thompson)
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 812 Views
    Biden to Exit 2024 Race: No Endorsement for Harris, Open Convention Ahead
    In a startling development, Mark Halperin has reported that President Joe Biden is poised to exit the 2024 presidential race as early as Sunday. This decision marks a significant turn in the political landscape, suggesting a tumultuous Democratic primary season ahead. President Biden, while not resigning from office, is not expected to endorse Vice President...
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  • ‘X’ gives #maga a cool emoji!
    ‘X’ gives #maga a cool emoji!
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 343 Views
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  • 0 Reacties 0 aandelen 285 Views
  • Love
    1 Reacties 0 aandelen 258 Views
  • 2 Chronicles 32:8 ESV
    With him is an arm of flesh, but with us is the LORD our God, to help us and to fight our battles." And the people took confidence from the words of Hezekiah king of Judah.
    2 Chronicles 32:8 ESV With him is an arm of flesh, but with us is the LORD our God, to help us and to fight our battles." And the people took confidence from the words of Hezekiah king of Judah.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 780 Views
  • Interesting I never knew this. Now I feel differently about them.
    “My friend grew up in New England where they have pigeons. Apparently they also hate them. He was always saying bad things about pigeons until I pointed something out that he never thought of before.”
    “We domesticated pigeons. They are (nearly) all over the world because HUMANS BROUGHT THEM THERE. And, they were more than pets. They carried messages. People raced them. They lived spoiled lives as honored human companions for centuries.
    Then we got telephones and we threw them out like trash.
    Literally, we threw them away.
    Their species had already been fully domesticated and they could not survive in the wild; they lost all their survival instincts during the centuries that they lived caged by people.
    That is why they live in cities with people instead of in a forest somewhere. It’s OUR fault. And not only did we throw them away, but now humans curse them as “winged rats;” casting them as pests.
    But they don’t know how to live without us, and their instincts tell us that they should trust us. So, they continue to come up to humans and beg for food, because it’s the only survival skill left in their genes.
    They love us because they were bred by us to feel that way, and yet we hate them.”
    -I love this post.
    Interesting I never knew this. Now I feel differently about them. “My friend grew up in New England where they have pigeons. Apparently they also hate them. He was always saying bad things about pigeons until I pointed something out that he never thought of before.” “We domesticated pigeons. They are (nearly) all over the world because HUMANS BROUGHT THEM THERE. And, they were more than pets. They carried messages. People raced them. They lived spoiled lives as honored human companions for centuries. Then we got telephones and we threw them out like trash. Literally, we threw them away. Their species had already been fully domesticated and they could not survive in the wild; they lost all their survival instincts during the centuries that they lived caged by people. That is why they live in cities with people instead of in a forest somewhere. It’s OUR fault. And not only did we throw them away, but now humans curse them as “winged rats;” casting them as pests. But they don’t know how to live without us, and their instincts tell us that they should trust us. So, they continue to come up to humans and beg for food, because it’s the only survival skill left in their genes. They love us because they were bred by us to feel that way, and yet we hate them.” -I love this post.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1100 Views

  • January 21 at 7:50 AM ·
    I did not write this. Across the world, wake up!
    When I was a HS sophomore – decades ago! – my World History teacher was Mrs. Holloway, but we all called her Granny Holloway. She was a slight woman, scarcely 5 feet tall, seemingly fragile, but full of vim and vinegar….you know the type. She could speak for hours about the Fall of the Roman Empire, the Inquisition, the Industrial Revolution, and the World Wars. She never sat while she lectured, never stood at a lectern, but moved around the room making eye contact with all of her students. She was demanding too, and I can’t remember how many papers were sent back to me because she would note “you can do better than this, Miss Schaal.”
    One day during class, an office aid interrupted her lecture to hand her a note. She read it silently, apologized, and said she needed to leave the room. We knew it had to be important because Granny Holloway stopped lectures for no one.
    We sat in the room talking to one another when the door opened, and in walked Mrs. Abels, another teacher in our HS. She explained to us that Granny had been faced with an emergency, a serious one, and it was questionable if she would even be returning to finish out the semester. We were stunned. Would we get a chance to tell her goodbye? Would we get updates, so we would know she was ok? Mrs. Abels assured us that we need not worry, that Granny was safe but needed time away, and that the best thing we could do for her, and the best way we could show our devotion to her, was to be cooperative with her replacement. Mrs. Abels confirmed that she had been asked and had agreed to step in as Granny’s replacement.
    Cheer up, she told us, this could be a good thing. Other teachers still believed in endless homework and projects with deadlines and hard work. She would not bring that into our class. She believed in clean slates. If there were grades that we did not like, she could give us a chance to bring them up. She asked us what suggestions we had to make the semester a better learning experience. Someone mentioned that lectures were boring and we wanted more films. Done, she said. Someone else mentioned that a free day now and then would help us if we needed to catch up on work in other classes. She didn’t see a problem with that. She asked us how we felt about an end-of-semester party. Um, yeah, sounded very good to us. And on and on. Mrs. Abels listened intently and agreed to all of our suggestions, continually emphasizing that her concern was that we have a good learning experience and enjoy the semester. She also reminded us that we were lucky to not be sent out to other classes where we would be working to catch up, and that of course this was all for Granny.
    Near the end of the period, shortly before the bell rang, the door opened and Granny sauntered in with her usual Granny Holloway attitude. “How did they do?,” she asked. “Marvelous,” said Mrs. Abels. “They were completely in my hands.”
    Granny then faced us and said “And that, my students, is how a dictator takes over a nation. Not with guns or tanks or laws or mandates. They do it using false promises and gifts”
    I can’t remember a lesson all through 12 years of public school that made such an impression on me, and has stayed with me.
    We are among wolves in sheep clothing, many are being deceived.
    Stay awake! And buckle up.
    Put on the FULL armor of God, we are going to need it in the days to come
    January 21 at 7:50 AM · I did not write this. Across the world, wake up! When I was a HS sophomore – decades ago! – my World History teacher was Mrs. Holloway, but we all called her Granny Holloway. She was a slight woman, scarcely 5 feet tall, seemingly fragile, but full of vim and vinegar….you know the type. She could speak for hours about the Fall of the Roman Empire, the Inquisition, the Industrial Revolution, and the World Wars. She never sat while she lectured, never stood at a lectern, but moved around the room making eye contact with all of her students. She was demanding too, and I can’t remember how many papers were sent back to me because she would note “you can do better than this, Miss Schaal.” One day during class, an office aid interrupted her lecture to hand her a note. She read it silently, apologized, and said she needed to leave the room. We knew it had to be important because Granny Holloway stopped lectures for no one. We sat in the room talking to one another when the door opened, and in walked Mrs. Abels, another teacher in our HS. She explained to us that Granny had been faced with an emergency, a serious one, and it was questionable if she would even be returning to finish out the semester. We were stunned. Would we get a chance to tell her goodbye? Would we get updates, so we would know she was ok? Mrs. Abels assured us that we need not worry, that Granny was safe but needed time away, and that the best thing we could do for her, and the best way we could show our devotion to her, was to be cooperative with her replacement. Mrs. Abels confirmed that she had been asked and had agreed to step in as Granny’s replacement. Cheer up, she told us, this could be a good thing. Other teachers still believed in endless homework and projects with deadlines and hard work. She would not bring that into our class. She believed in clean slates. If there were grades that we did not like, she could give us a chance to bring them up. She asked us what suggestions we had to make the semester a better learning experience. Someone mentioned that lectures were boring and we wanted more films. Done, she said. Someone else mentioned that a free day now and then would help us if we needed to catch up on work in other classes. She didn’t see a problem with that. She asked us how we felt about an end-of-semester party. Um, yeah, sounded very good to us. And on and on. Mrs. Abels listened intently and agreed to all of our suggestions, continually emphasizing that her concern was that we have a good learning experience and enjoy the semester. She also reminded us that we were lucky to not be sent out to other classes where we would be working to catch up, and that of course this was all for Granny. Near the end of the period, shortly before the bell rang, the door opened and Granny sauntered in with her usual Granny Holloway attitude. “How did they do?,” she asked. “Marvelous,” said Mrs. Abels. “They were completely in my hands.” Granny then faced us and said “And that, my students, is how a dictator takes over a nation. Not with guns or tanks or laws or mandates. They do it using false promises and gifts” I can’t remember a lesson all through 12 years of public school that made such an impression on me, and has stayed with me. We are among wolves in sheep clothing, many are being deceived. Stay awake! And buckle up. Put on the FULL armor of God, we are going to need it in the days to come
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 2217 Views
  • 1 Kings 18:21 ESV

    And Elijah came near to all the people and said, "How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him."
    1 Kings 18:21 ESV And Elijah came near to all the people and said, "How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him."
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1260 Views
  • Like
    2 Reacties 0 aandelen 1372 Views
  • #Truth - The United States Of America Is NOT A Democracy, It's A Constitutional Republic. Huge differences, know what they are.
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  • 1 John 5:14
    This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
    1 John 5:14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1393 Views
  • As you do not know the path of the wind,
    or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand
    the work of God, the Maker of all things.
    Ecclesiastes 11:5
    As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. Ecclesiastes 11:5
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1887 Views
  • Micah 5:2

    But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
    though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old,
    from ancient times.”
    Micah 5:2 But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.”
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 2689 Views
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  • You know it’s bad when even IKEA stops with their discounts.
    You know it’s bad when even IKEA stops with their discounts.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1555 Views
  • The leaf on my patio this morning. I love living where we have seasons.
    The leaf 🍁 on my patio this morning. I love 💚 living where we have seasons.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1800 Views
  • Here are some photos from our cute little town in Oklahoma. We love living here.
    Here are some photos from our cute little town in Oklahoma. We love living here.
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