• Let’s Hold Installed Regime Accountable!

    SUMMARY: Newsmax Headline: “Embattled Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Resigns”. … The speculation: My instincts a resignation ensued as hopeful cover for continuous Mayorkas Trump political persecution. … READ Cross Posts Framing My Speculation! Hold this installed regime accountable – ONE WAY OR THE OTHER!
    #UpdatedThomasCrooks #SecretServiceComplicity #MayorkasCoverup
    Let’s Hold Installed Regime Accountable! https://tinyurl.com/c77hm732 SUMMARY: Newsmax Headline: “Embattled Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Resigns”. … The speculation: My instincts a resignation ensued as hopeful cover for continuous Mayorkas Trump political persecution. … READ Cross Posts Framing My Speculation! Hold this installed regime accountable – ONE WAY OR THE OTHER! #UpdatedThomasCrooks #SecretServiceComplicity #MayorkasCoverup
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1736 Views
  • Globalists already fired first shot in Civil War, yet MAGA base remains peaceful. But someone already put Joe Biden to first accuse GOP of what the LEFT is doing. The guilty dog barks first, as always. https://www.infowars.com/posts/biden-accuses-gop-of-calling-for-political-violence-after-deep-state-tried-to-kill-trump
    Globalists already fired first shot in Civil War, yet MAGA base remains peaceful. But someone already put Joe Biden to first accuse GOP of what the LEFT is doing. The guilty dog barks first, as always. https://www.infowars.com/posts/biden-accuses-gop-of-calling-for-political-violence-after-deep-state-tried-to-kill-trump
    0 Comments 1 Shares 2343 Views
  • Anyone with a brain knows the democrat party is THE DEEP STATE, that is behind the attempted Assassination of President Trump. https://www.infowars.com/posts/posobiec-tucker-expose-deep-state-hit-job-on-trump-coup-against-biden
    Anyone with a brain knows the democrat party is THE DEEP STATE, that is behind the attempted Assassination of President Trump. https://www.infowars.com/posts/posobiec-tucker-expose-deep-state-hit-job-on-trump-coup-against-biden
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1941 Views
  • I uploaded my FACE photo's & etc ie: music etc upon SOME of my OTHER social media for ANY 1's review = see list of my social media profile's as I have them all or minimally individually listed & shown at TOP of-on at sovren DOT media/u/lonehuman - https://gab.com/lone_corpse_123/posts/112661443742660078
    I uploaded my FACE photo's & etc ie: music etc upon SOME of my OTHER social media for ANY 1's review = see list of my social media profile's as I have them all or minimally individually listed & shown at TOP of-on at sovren DOT media/u/lonehuman - https://gab.com/lone_corpse_123/posts/112661443742660078
    SELF denied Warrior 4 Jesus on Gab: 'My internet-web social media profiles (as of 6/20…'
    SELF denied Warrior 4 Jesus on Gab: 'My internet-web social media profiles (as of 6/2024): Change DOT 2 a . THEN backspace THEN copy & paste the weblink in2 a NEW web window's TOP search address bar - instagram DOT com/lone_corpse_123 , twitter DOT com/lonehuman4jesus , gab DOT com/lone_corpse_123 , gettr DOT com/user/lonehuman123 , mewe DOT com/i/self_denied_holy_warrior_for_jesus , minds DOT com/lone_corpse_123 , friendproject DOT net/lone_human_123 , pocketnet DOT app/lonehuman123 , friendser DOT com/profile-6969 , sovren DOT media/u/lonehuman , palscity DOT com/lonehuman , buzzbii DOT com/lonehuman , usa DOT life/lonehuman , wimkin DOT com/lonehuman , twellit DOT com/lonehuman , inlinx DOT com/about/862600594_0 , orbys DOT net/lonehuman'
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2079 Views
  • #RINO Piglets not attending the #RNCConvention
    #RINO Piglets not attending the #RNCConvention https://gab.com/AnonymousMe/posts/112815562210779800
    Rogue Nation Eternal Militia on Gab: '#RINO Piglets not attending the #RNC https://i…'
    Rogue Nation Eternal Militia on Gab: '#RINO Piglets not attending the #RNC https://imgflip.com/i/8xlvrw The background story on this meme is all about the Money Laundering fiasco that has been taking place behind the scenes using taxpayer dollar$ to enrich themselves by million$, if not billion$ of dollars. If you understand that Zelensky is a drug addict, compounded by his insatiable desire to enrich himself at the expense of the very lives of his countrymen, it all begins to fall into place, because they know that Trump would put an end to their ca$h cow. Case In Point: Follow the money trail as to how Liz Cheney's net worth has increased exponentially on a congressman's salary. While you're at it, follow the money trail for the same reason$ as it relates to Mitt Romney & Mike Pence, along with the rest of the Obama-Biden & Bush-Clinton Crime Families. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.'
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4837 Views
  • Censorship Happens – So I Redirect

    SUMMARY: In these days in which more and more data is emerging that the mRNA IS NOT Safe and NOR Effective as shown even in U.S. Congressional Testimony, the Blogger Platform (Owned by Google) is still deleting posts under the guise COMMUNITY STANDARDS VIOLATIONS. (Why do I still use Blogger? Frankly, it is the location of most of my readers.) …READ ON TO READ POST DELETED on different platform.
    #BloggerCensorship #NarrativeLies
    Censorship Happens – So I Redirect https://oneway2day.com/2024/07/19/censorship-happens-so-i-redirect/ SUMMARY: In these days in which more and more data is emerging that the mRNA IS NOT Safe and NOR Effective as shown even in U.S. Congressional Testimony, the Blogger Platform (Owned by Google) is still deleting posts under the guise COMMUNITY STANDARDS VIOLATIONS. (Why do I still use Blogger? Frankly, it is the location of most of my readers.) …READ ON TO READ POST DELETED on different platform. #BloggerCensorship #NarrativeLies
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4962 Views
  • BREAKING: Andrew Cuomo just admitted live on air that the Trump case would've never been brought if Trump wasn't running for President
    BREAKING: Andrew Cuomo just admitted live on air that the Trump case would've never been brought if Trump wasn't running for President https://xephula.com/posts/966775
    Rogue Nation Eternal Militia - BREAKING: Andrew Cuomo just admitted...
    BREAKING: Andrew Cuomo just admitted live on air that the Trump case would've never been brought if Trump wasn't running for President "I'm telling you, that case would have never been brought. And that's what's offensive to people. And it should be."
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5234 Views
  • Kids of the 1960's
    Kids of the 1960's https://xephula.com/posts/968901
    Kids of the 1960's
    Kids of the 1960's Your clothes came from Kmart and they stayed on layaway until school started. Eating out at a restaurant was a thing every now & then!! Fast food was leftovers at home. Eating popsicles was a treat on a hot day. We had fake cigs for candy and you only needed 50 cents...
    1 Comments 0 Shares 5741 Views
  • Look, I started on FB during obamas first term. I had memes hit millions, my two pages were between 25 thousand and 45 thousand followers, so I have been doing this a very long time. I have been tossed off many platforms over the years and now I ended up here where they mess with my view numbers from time to time, (NOW) tell me how many posts I can post per hours etc ! I do this to get our message to everyone ! Am I happy here NO ! Do they want me to leave YES ! Am I going to give them what they want NO ! I am just saying I am not happy. I am really not happy anymore and that is sad ! ~Raven~
    Look, I started on FB during obamas first term. I had memes hit millions, my two pages were between 25 thousand and 45 thousand followers, so I have been doing this a very long time. I have been tossed off many platforms over the years and now I ended up here where they mess with my view numbers from time to time, (NOW) tell me how many posts I can post per hours etc ! I do this to get our message to everyone ! Am I happy here NO ! Do they want me to leave YES ! Am I going to give them what they want NO ! I am just saying I am not happy. I am really not happy anymore and that is sad ! ~Raven~
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5884 Views
  • As an ex-cop, I will vilify ANY officer who is derelict in the performance of their duties. Get used to the idea. If you get the shot, take it. Don't wait for the approval of some turd above you who doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground! If you cannot think for yourself, you're in the WRONG line of work. Go home!
    As an ex-cop, I will vilify ANY officer who is derelict in the performance of their duties. Get used to the idea. If you get the shot, take it. Don't wait for the approval of some turd above you who doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground! If you cannot think for yourself, you're in the WRONG line of work. Go home! https://gab.com/AnonymousMe/posts/112790404473946148
    Rogue Nation Eternal Militia on Gab: '@Watcher21 @F16VIPER01 @DemsFearTruth @MachineTro…'
    Rogue Nation Eternal Militia on Gab: '@Watcher21 @F16VIPER01 @DemsFearTruth @MachineTrooper @Machinegun_Mike @JohnGaultier @Easterndmondbk @RealMachineGunBarbie Damning #Evidence Against the #SecretService Law Enforcement #whistleblower: “They wouldn’t let me take out the shooter” is the new, “I’m just doing my job.” https://imgflip.com/i/8x1nb1 As an ex-cop, I will vilify ANY officer who is derelict in the performance of their duties. Get used to the idea. If you get the shot, take it. Don't wait for the approval of some turd above you who doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground! If you cannot think for yourself, you're in the WRONG line of work. Go home!'
    1 Comments 0 Shares 5649 Views
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