• An Intro to Ed Decker May E-Newsletter & Hamas & Decker Thoughts

    SUMMARY: Ed Decker (born 1935) is an ex-Mormon with an evangelistic agenda to expose the errors inherent in Mormonism. However the purpose of this is Ed Decker’s thoughts on Antisemitism and war atrocities… -TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/3JYqHBx
    #EdDecker #Antisemitism
    An Intro to Ed Decker May E-Newsletter & Hamas & Decker Thoughts SUMMARY: Ed Decker (born 1935) is an ex-Mormon with an evangelistic agenda to expose the errors inherent in Mormonism. However the purpose of this is Ed Decker’s thoughts on Antisemitism and war atrocities… -TAKE A LOOK: https://bit.ly/3JYqHBx #EdDecker #Antisemitism
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1387 Views
  • Evangelist Tells AZ Crowd: Trump Can't Save America, But He Can Give Church Time to Save It. Murillo believes the key to the US seeing a big revival, as it has in the past, is for the different denominations & movements within churches to come together. https://www.westernjournal.com/evangelist-tells-arizona-crowd-trump-cant-save-america-can-give-church-time-save/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PostTopSharingButtons&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons
    Evangelist Tells AZ Crowd: Trump Can't Save America, But He Can Give Church Time to Save It. Murillo believes the key to the US seeing a big revival, as it has in the past, is for the different denominations & movements within churches to come together. https://www.westernjournal.com/evangelist-tells-arizona-crowd-trump-cant-save-america-can-give-church-time-save/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PostTopSharingButtons&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons
    Evangelist Tells Arizona Crowd: Trump Can't Save America, But He Can Give Church Time to Save It
    "We’ve got to quit talking about revival and confess that it’s already here. It’s already started," evangelist Mario Murillo said.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1181 Views
  • This so-called Evangelist Christian has been bought off by democrats to betray America. And democrat majority of the Senate, will do the same betrayal of their fellow countrymen. DO THEY REALLY WANT A CIVIL WAR?!
    This so-called Evangelist Christian has been bought off by democrats to betray America. And democrat majority of the Senate, will do the same betrayal of their fellow countrymen. DO THEY REALLY WANT A CIVIL WAR?!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 491 Views
  • Famous Evangelist: 'No Question, There's an Anti-Christ Spirit in the World Today. His comments followed a report from Fox News that documented research from the Family Research Council showing 436 “hostile incidents” against churches in America in 2023. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/02/famous-evangelist-no-question-theres-anti-christ-spirit
    Famous Evangelist: 'No Question, There's an Anti-Christ Spirit in the World Today. His comments followed a report from Fox News that documented research from the Family Research Council showing 436 “hostile incidents” against churches in America in 2023. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/02/famous-evangelist-no-question-theres-anti-christ-spirit
    0 Comments 0 Shares 745 Views
  • I know this is going to #trigger a few of our friends, but maybe it will make them #THINK?

    Televangelists Transvestigation Part 1
    I know this is going to #trigger a few of our friends, but maybe it will make them #THINK? Televangelists Transvestigation Part 1
    0 Comments 0 Shares 735 Views
  • RT @Jonathan_Cahn: WWN>2 Christian evangelists jailed in Uganda under blasphemy law after street preaching upsets Muslims...https://t.co/85… https://twitter.com/RepMattShea/status/1741920124280729736
    RT @Jonathan_Cahn: WWN>2 Christian evangelists jailed in Uganda under blasphemy law after street preaching upsets Muslims...https://t.co/85… https://twitter.com/RepMattShea/status/1741920124280729736
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1594 Views
  • 2 Links: Evangelist Billy Graham was a democrat of the old order https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Graham. He died in 2018, at age 99, his casket lay in honor at U.S. Capitol Rotunda. He was the 1st religious leader & just the 4th civilian to receive the high tribute. https://youtu.be/-Y7kULLmtL0?si=DDKshLpEnLDN_N0A
    2 Links: Evangelist Billy Graham was a democrat of the old order https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Graham. He died in 2018, at age 99, his casket lay in honor at U.S. Capitol Rotunda. He was the 1st religious leader & just the 4th civilian to receive the high tribute. https://youtu.be/-Y7kULLmtL0?si=DDKshLpEnLDN_N0A
    0 Comments 0 Shares 970 Views
  • MSNBC Guest Bashes Christianity, Says It Was Brought to America to Justify Slavery And Genocide (VIDEO)". These HATE-FILLED lying people seems to be describing Islam, WHO STILL SELLS SLAVES OPENLY! Another LIE on their rag list this morning, that Trump didn't have Evangelistic support, when we know he does! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/msnbc-guest-bashes-christianity-says-it-was-brought/
    MSNBC Guest Bashes Christianity, Says It Was Brought to America to Justify Slavery And Genocide (VIDEO)". These HATE-FILLED lying people seems to be describing Islam, WHO STILL SELLS SLAVES OPENLY! Another LIE on their rag list this morning, that Trump didn't have Evangelistic support, when we know he does! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/msnbc-guest-bashes-christianity-says-it-was-brought/
    MSNBC Guest Bashes Christianity, Says It Was Brought to America to Justify Slavery And Genocide (VIDEO)
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1072 Views
  • "Wonderful news. The Jesus Revolution baptism yesterday had 4,500 people baptized making it the largest baptism in US history. We praise God for how He is working in each person’s life. It is clear God is doing something significant in our nation and people sense a great revival. Greg Laurie told me, “There were never crowds like this 50 years ago in the Jesus Movement. This is new and fresh. What’s happening is clearly inspired by the Jesus People revival. People want to have their own revival today. This IS Revival-like. No question about it.”"

    "Wonderful news. The Jesus Revolution baptism yesterday had 4,500 people baptized making it the largest baptism in US history. We praise God for how He is working in each person’s life. It is clear God is doing something significant in our nation and people sense a great revival. Greg Laurie told me, “There were never crowds like this 50 years ago in the Jesus Movement. This is new and fresh. What’s happening is clearly inspired by the Jesus People revival. People want to have their own revival today. This IS Revival-like. No question about it.”" https://twitter.com/evangelistmatt/status/1678081316271669248?s=20
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1543 Views
  • Share this with all your Church, Preachers and Evangelistic friends. Can anyone imagine the horrors and sacrificial acts of witchcraft and evil, they are doing against the RIGHT?
    Share this with all your Church, Preachers and Evangelistic friends. Can anyone imagine the horrors and sacrificial acts of witchcraft and evil, they are doing against the RIGHT?
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1338 Views
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