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The Teleman (Lee Richards), here's your profile activity for the week ending October 4
You are #1 in the Country charts for Yellville, AR
Probably becuz I'm the only one in Yellville, AR, I'm #1 every week, lmfao..
Here's some Lee Richards Band for your Sat toe tappin'!!
(NOTE: Reverbnation does NOT cut off after the song finishes, it will shuffle through the rest of the library, so unless you want to listen to the whole catalog press stop with this song is done.)
Horrific update on Yancey County, North Carolina
Horrific update on Yancey County, North Carolina
This nurse coordinates supply drops. She’s exhausted and in shock, but she’s determined people understand the gravity of the situation. This is way worse than anyone knows.
Trigger warning on this
VIDEOS: Topics of Fascination & Perhaps Incredulous
SUMMARY: Here are a collection of videos that have less to do with tyranny (I know, shocking) and more to do with personal wonder. The topics are a bit spread out so I’ll let the titles pique your potential interest. –THE TITLES on the post are the best intro…TAKE A LOOK!
#fascination #perhapsincredulous
VIDEOS: Topics of Fascination & Perhaps Incredulous
SUMMARY: Here are a collection of videos that have less to do with tyranny (I know, shocking) and more to do with personal wonder. The topics are a bit spread out so I’ll let the titles pique your potential interest. –THE TITLES on the post are the best intro…TAKE A LOOK!
#fascination #perhapsincredulous
Michigan Militia: "America's Most Notorious Militia"
Norman Olson is the founder of the Michigan Militia, the most famous, notorious, group of the early-90s citizens' militia movement. If you're too young to remember, that was this thing where guys in camouflage got together to train with their guns and guys in the wilderness. The movement hit a speed bump when it got blamed for the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, while it wasn't even closely related; unless you believe the tripe published by the Southern Perversion Liberal Communists. (SPLC)
Timothy McVeigh attended some of their meetings, but he was NOT a member. To become a member he would have had to be a resident of the state of Michigan, which he was not.
The bottom line is the American militia movement is NOT anti-government as the communist talking heads would have you believe. The well regulated American militia movement is anti-corruption, and if you cannot see the difference you need to pull your heads out of your asses and pay attention to what has been happening in this country since the first openly communist & illegal president was installed in the office of POTUS; Barack Obama. Sheriff Joe Arpaio was right and we have proof he was born in Kenya, not Hawaii.
I've got news for you, the Michigan Militia did not go away. They are alive and well with over 75K+ active members. Every dog has their day and our day is coming.
God bless in Jesus & PLEASE stay safe out there my fellow human ALL race's, straight-hetrosexual alpha adult male-MEN & beta female's-WOMEN (aside from Holy Majesty-Master, retributionary Eye's of Fire, King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God = 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity's little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: babies-kid's-children-teen's = who we adult's ALL SELF deny care unto aside from the truly disabled adult's & little 1's) 8,019,876,189 individual human's give or take (as of 1/2024) of 195 individual countries USA-globally, 7,000 language's = 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself.